Jane Abatoni Gatete, MA

Executive Secretary

Jane Abatoni Gatete, MA, is the Executive Secretary for the Rwanda organization of Trauma counsellors (ARCT- Ruhuka), with over 25 years expertise and practical experience in Mental Health Psycho Social Support (MHPSS) interventions at national and regional levels, as well as CSO management and governance. She holds a Master’s degree in peace studies and conflict transformation, and is a trained and practicing Psychosocial Counsellor.

Email: Janebatoni@gmail.com

Professional Expertise




Addiction/substance abuse, Common mental health conditions, Conflict/post-conflict settings, Gender-based violence and intimate partner violence, Grief and loss, Resilience, Stress and coping, Trauma

Methodological Areas

Community engagement and CBPR, Efficacy/effectiveness trials, Grant and proposal writing, Human-centered design/design thinking/innovation techniques, Intervention development and testing, Program evaluation, Qualitative methods, Theory of change/logic models

Strategies expertise

Advocacy, Community engagement, Capacity building, Dissemination and implementation, Intervention scale-up, Partnership development, Supervision and coaching, Sustainability

Intervention Expertise

Campaigns/information, education, and communication, Cognitive behavioral therapy, Family interventions, Mental health awareness/promotion, Mindfulness/meditation, Psychosocial skills, Support groups

Partnership Expertise

Community-based organizations/coalitions, Faith-based organizations, For-profit organizations/corporations, Government agencies, International NGOs, Multilateral organizations, Professional associations, Schools and universities