Arab Youth Mental Health Scale

A 21-item tool used to assess common mental health disorders in children aged 10-14  years. The tool is usually administered through a structured questionnaire by a trained interviewer. The scale has a recall period of one-week and ranges from scores of 21 to 63, with a higher score suggestive of poorer mental health. Possible responses include: Rarely, Sometimes, and Always.

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Makhoul, J., Nakkash, R., El Hajj, T., Abdulrahim, S., Kanj, M., Mahfound, Z., & Afifi, R. (2011). Development and Validation of the Arab Youth Mental Health Scale. Community Mental Health Journal, 47, 331–340.

Mahfoud, Z., Abdulrahim, S., Badaro Taha, M., Harpham, T., El Hajj, T., Makhoul, J., …Afifi, R. (2011). Validation of the Arab Youth Mental Health scale as a screening tool for depression/anxiety in Lebanese children. Child and Adolescent Psychiatry and Mental Health, 5(9).