Children’s Hope Scale (CHS)

A self-report questionnaire that contains six items measuring a child’s self-perception and level of belief about personal goal-attainment. The tool is based on two fundamental components of hope—agency and pathways. Agency refers to a child’s ability to initiate and sustain goal-directed activities, and pathways indicate a child’s capacity to carry out goals. The premise is that with more positive emotions come higher levels of hope, self-esteem, and goal-directed behavior; whereas, more negative emotional states tend to indicate reduced levels of hope, self-esteem, and goal-directed behavior. Question responses are scored from one through six—None of the Time (1), A Little of the Time (2), Some of the Time (3), A Lot of the Time (4), Most of the Time (5), and All of the Time (6). The higher the score, the higher the child’s level of hope and goal-directed behavior. The questionnaire takes, on average, four minutes to complete. There is also a modified parent-report version available for use.

Related Publications

Tol, W. A., Komproe, I. H., Susanty, D., Jordans, M. J., Macy, R. D., & De Jong, J. T. (2008). School-based mental health intervention for children affected by political violence in Indonesia. JAMA, 300(6), 655-662.

Khamis, V. (2013). The Mediating Effects of Child Strengths and Hopes on Academic Achievement for Palestinian Children Exposed to Armed Conflict. International Journal of School & Educational Psychology, 1(2), 112-121

What it measures

Pyschosocial and emotional wellbeing



children aged 8 to 16 years



English, Chinese

