A self-report, questionnaire consisting of 58 items that measure “developmental assets”, a set of skills, experiences, relationships, and behaviors found to facilitate formative growth and development in youth, and that are indicative of later success in adulthood. It has been found that the more developmental assets youth have, or acquire, the more likely their chances for success in school, and in leading happy, healthy and productive lives. DAP assesses eight internal and external categories of developmental assets: support (how caring parents, teachers, and neighbors are in a youth’s life); empowerment (a youth’s perceived sense of safety, value and appreciation at school and home); boundaries and expectations (a youth’s perception of how much he/she must abide by boundaries set at home, school and in the community); constructive use of time (the level of extra-curricular involvement partaken by a youth); commitment to learning (how motivated a youth is in completing school work and in seeking new information and/or skills); positive values (the level of personal and community responsibility exercised by a youth); social competencies (how well a youth engages in social relationships, adapts to change, and expresses himself/herself to others); and positive identity (a youth’s sense of self-worth). In addition, DAP includes five contextual areas—personal, social, school, family, and community. The tool contains the following four response options: Not at All or Rarely; Somewhat or Sometimes; Very or Often; Extremely or Almost Always. On average, the DAP takes approximately ten minutes to complete. When used in combination with data on school attendance, achievement and other measurable factors, DAP can provide a more complete picture of youths’ well-being, as well as inform strategies and programs to prepare them for later successes in such spheres as higher education, professional careers, and civic duties.
Scales, P. C. (2011). Youth developmental assets in global perspective: Results from international adaptations of the Developmental Assets Profile. Child Indicators Research, 4, 619–645.
Scales, P. C., Benson, P. L., Dershem, L., Fraher, K., Makkonen, R., Nazneen, S.,…Titus, S. (2013). Building developmental assets to empower adolescent girls in rural Bangladesh: Evaluation of Project ‘Kishoree Kontha’. Journal of Research on Adolescence, 23(1), 171–184.
Search Institute
Children aged 10-18 years