A global assessment tool that measures impairments in psychosocial functioning due to an underlying psychiatric disorder. The GAPD is based on Axis VI of the ICD-10, which addresses deficits in functioning at home, school, work (if employed), and with peers due to a psychiatric disorder, or a disorder of psychological origin, and/or mental retardation. The GAPD does not assess individual symptoms, but instead, evaluates a child’s overall psychological, social, and occupational levels of functioning. The overall score for GAPD is between 0 and 8, with a higher score reflective of a higher degree of disability. The composite score values and corresponding psychosocial functioning levels are as follows: Superior/Good Social Functioning (0), Moderate Social Functioning (1), Slight Social Disability (2), Moderate Social Disability (3), Serious Social Disability (4), Serious and Pervasive Social Disability (5), Unable to Function in Most Areas (6), Gross and Pervasive Social Disability (7), and Profound and Pervasive Social Disability (8). In general, a score of two is commonly used as the cut-off between clinical cases and non-cases (i.e. scores of 2 to 8= cases, and 0-2= non-cases).
Kohrt, B. A., Jordans, M. J., Tol, W. A., Speckman, R. A., Maharjan, S. M., Worthman, C. M., & Komproe, I. H. (2008). Comparison of mental health between former child soldiers and children never conscripted by armed groups in Nepal. JAMA, 300(6), 691-702.
Kohrt, B. A., Jordans, M. J., Tol, W. A., Luitel, N. P., Maharjan, S. M., & Upadhaya, N. (2011). Validation of cross-cultural child mental health and psychosocial research instruments: adapting the Depression Self-Rating Scale and Child PTSD Symptom Scale in Nepal. BMC Psychiatry, 11(1), 127.
Children aged 4 to 18 years
Schorre B. E., & Vandvik, I. H. (2004). Global assessment of psychosocial functioning in child and adolescent psychiatry: a review of three unidimensional scales (CGAS, GAF, GAPD). European Child & Adolescent Psychiatry, 13(5), 273-286.