A toolkit produced by War Child Holland, which provides modules and interactive training exercises to use with children (aged 11-15) and youth (aged 16-20) in conflict settings as a way to improve their life skills and resiliency. The six thematic modules include: 1) Identity and Assessment, 2) Dealing with Emotions, 3) Peer Relations, 4) Relationships with Adults, 5) Conflict and Peace, and 6) The Future. Each module consists of between two to five 90-minute sessions that are designed to build upon one another. Sessions within each module engage in a combination of different activities including drama, visual arts, games and group discussions. These are designed so that participants can explore important issues in their current lives and learn how to better cope with these. Home assignments are integrated into the sessions encouraging participants to practice new skills and strategies outside of the program. Sessions should be facilitated by two trained facilitators and conducted with a group of children who can participate in the modules together. The I DEAL curriculum is also developing additional modules tailored at specific groups. These are: BIG DEAL (addresses gender relations, rights and responsibilities, and leadership with young people aged 16-20), PARENTS DEAL (aims to establish supportive environment for parents and caregivers to address the challenges they face in raising children), TEACHERS DEAL (assists teachers in creating a safe school environment), and SHE DEALS (addresses concerns of girls and young mothers under 20 years old).

Related Publications

Claessens, L., & de Graaff, D. Who know best? Children do!: How children evaluate the effects of a War Child programme. War Child.

What it measures

Coping, Pyschosocial and emotional wellbeing


War Child Holland


Children and youth aged 11 to 20 who have been exposed to conflict



English, French, Spanish, Arabic

