Revised Children’s Manifest Anxiety Scale (RCMAS)

A 37-item, self-report tool used to measure the level and nature of generalized anxiety in children. The RCMAS, informally referred to as the ‘What I Think and Feel’ scale, was originally adapted from the Children’s Manifest Anxiety Scale (CMAS) in order to allow for a wider and more accurate measurement of anxiety. Items contained in the RCMAS—primarily “I” sentences—describe various feelings or experiences a child may have. Response options are binary—“Yes”, if the statement is applicable to a child’s current feelings or experiences; or “No”, if it is non-applicable. Twenty-eight of the items directly correlate with anxiety, and are arranged and scored based on sub-indicators of anxiety—physiological symptoms (10 items), obsessive thoughts and/or worries (11 items), and social disturbances (7 items). The final nine items, called “Lie” items, are meant to detect any incorrect reports (i.e. a child who purposefully denies a symptom of anxiety when he/she is knowingly aware of its existence). A total cumulative score can be derived for the RCMAS, as well as for the four sub-scales—Physiological Anxiety, Worry/Oversensitivity, Social Concerns/Concentration, and Lie. The higher the score received, the greater the likelihood for anxiety, or the possibility that the child has lied in his/her responses. The tool takes about 10 to 15 minutes to administer, and can be administered in individual or group settings by clinicians, teachers, and/or researchers.

Related Publications

Smith, P., Perrin, S., Yule, W., Hacam, B., & Stuvland, R. (2002). War exposure among children from Bosnia-Hercegovina: psychological adjustment in a community sample. Journal of Traumatic Stress, 15(2), 147-156.

Bromet E. J., Goldgaber, D., Carlson, G., Panina, N., Golovakha, E., Gluzman, S., …Schwartz, J. E. (2000). Children’s Well-being 11 Years After the Chernobyl Catastrophe. JAMA -Archives of General Psychiatry, 57(6), 563-571.

What it measures




Children aged 6-19 years



