Organization name


HEARD MHPSS Resource Handout

Feasibility, acceptability and preliminary effectiveness of a community-based group psychosocial support model for conflict survivors in Colombia: An assessment of in-person and remote intervention modalities during the COVID-19 pandemic

Piloting a community-based psychosocial group intervention designed to reduce distress among conflict-affected adults in Colombia: a mixed-method study of remote, hybrid, and in-person modalities during the COVID-19 pandemic

Nurturing families: A feasibility randomised controlled trial of a whole-family intervention with vulnerable families in Jordan

Assessing the effectiveness and observing fidelity of a psychosocial support program for Rohingya refugee mothers and their children in Cox’s Bazar, Bangladesh

Measuring the psychosocial wellbeing of Rohingya mothers in Cox’s Bazar, Bangladesh: Psychometric properties of an MHPSS assessment battery

Psychosocial impacts of Baby Friendly Spaces for Rohingya refugee mothers in Bangladesh: A pragmatic cluster-randomized controlled trial

Protocol for a caregiver psychosocial support intervention for populations affected by displacement in Uganda

Improving psychosocial well-being and parenting practices among refugees in Uganda: Results of the journey of life effectiveness trial

Accessibility and Perceived Impact of a Group Psychosocial Intervention for Women in Ecuador: A Comparative Analysis by Migration Status

Improving Retention in Mental Health and Psychosocial Support Interventions: An Analysis of Completion Rates across a Multi-Site Trial with Refugee, Migrant, and Host Communities in Latin America

Evaluating the feasibility of a group psychosocial intervention for migrant and host community women in Ecuador and Panamá: protocol for a multi-site feasibility cluster trial

Community-based participatory design of a psychosocial intervention for migrant women in Ecuador and Panama

Mixed-methods evaluation of a group psychosocial intervention for refugee, migrant and host community women in Ecuador and Panamá: Results from the Entre Nosotras cluster randomized feasibility trial

Strategies to improve the implementation and effectiveness of community-based psychosocial support interventions for displaced, migrant, and host community women in Latin America 

HEARD MHPSS Cross-study Learning Collaborative Quarterly Topic Meeting #6

HEARD MHPSS Cross-study Learning Collaborative Quarterly Topic Meeting #7

HEARD MHPSS Cross-study Learning Collaborative Quarterly Topic Meeting #8

HEARD MHPSS Cross-study Learning Collaborative Quarterly Topic Meeting #9

HEARD MHPSS Cross-study Learning Collaborative Quarterly Topic Meeting #10

ISC MHPSS Learning Collaborative Meeting #11 “HEARD MHPSS Cross-study Learning Collaborative Quarterly Meeting: Findings from Uganda and Colombia”

ISC MHPSS Learning Collaborative Meeting #16 “HEARD MHPSS Cross-study learning collaborative quarterly meeting: Findings From Bangladesh, Panama and Ecuador”

ISC MHPSS Learning Collaborative #17: Findings from the Nurturing Families Programme in Jordan

ISC MHPSS Learning Collaborative #19: Child Protection and Mental health and Psychosocial Support

ISC MHPSS Learning Collaborative Meeting #21: Focus on Community-based Mental Health

ISC MHPSS Learning Collaborative Meeting #22: Focus on Community-based Mental Health

Psychosocial impacts of Baby Friendly Spaces for Rohingya refugee mothers in Bangladesh: A pragmatic cluster-randomized controlled trial

Formative and Supportive Supervision: Baby Friendly Spaces Project, Bangladesh

Mental Health Research in Humanitarian and Development Settings

Trauma-Informed Approaches in Global Mental Health

Proposed Theory of Change for Global Mental Health

Contextualization of Mental Health Interventions in Global Mental Health

Mental Health Terminology: What standard terminology is used to describe mental health across professions and contexts?

Mental Health Stigma and Discrimination: How do stigma and discrimination influence mental health programs and practices?

Mental Health Treatment Approaches in the Global South: A Review of the Evidence

Ethical Principles Across Professions: How do ethical principles across professions inform global mental health programs and practices?

Ethical Principles in Global Mental Health: The Research Technical Assistance Center (RTAC) is made possible by the generous support of the American people through the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) under the terms of contract no. 7200AA18C00057. This brief was produced by Ted Miles, Tara M. Powell, and Benjamin J. Lough. The contents are the sole responsibility of RTAC and NORC at the University of Chicago, and do not necessarily reflect the views of USAID or the United States Government. September 2023 PHOTO CREDIT: AFP / ADRIANE OHANESIAN. What core ethical principles can organizations apply to ensure that global mental health policies and practices do no harm?

Conceptualization of Mental Health: How is mental health conceptualized across the regions and contexts USAID works?

Terms and Approaches to Address Mental Health

Barriers and Facilitators to Implementing a Community-Based Psychosocial Support Intervention Conducted In-Person and Remotely: A Qualitative Study in Quibdó, Colombia

Community-based psychosocial support interventions for populations affected by conflict and displacement: Lessons from a multinational collaborative study

Mental Health and psychosocial support in Mbera refugee camp, Mauritania

UNHCR’s Approach to Mental Health and Psychosocial Support in Displacement

Strengthening inclusive social protection systems for displaced children and their families

mhGAP Humanitarian Intervention Guide (mhGAP-HIG) training of health-care providers

WHO Special Initiative for Mental Health

Noncommunicable diseases and mental health in small island developing states

Prototyping a relational mental health community-based intervention in Malaysia

Global mapping report on multisectoral actions to strengthen the prevention and control of noncommunicable diseases and mental health conditions: experiences from around the world. WebAnnex. Summary of country experiences

Integrating psychosocial interventions and support into HIV services for adolescents and young adults

A common monitoring and evaluation framework for mental health and psychosocial support in emergency settings

UNICEF and WHO joint programme on mental health and psychosocial well-being and development of children and adolescents

Promoting the health of refugees and migrants: experiences from around the world

Mental health of refugees and migrants: risk and protective factors and access to care

World mental health report: Transforming mental health for all – executive summary

Mental Health and Psychosocial Support for Refugees, Asylum Seekers and Migrants on the Move in Europe

Assessing mental health and psychosocial needs and resources

Regional framework for the future of mental health in the Western Pacific 2023-2030

WHO Policy Brief on the health aspects of decriminalization of suicide and suicide attempts

Mental health action plan for the WHO South-East Asia Region 2023–2030

Validated baselines for the Mental health action plan for the WHO South-East Asia Region 2023–2030

WHO guide for integration of perinatal mental health in maternal and child health services

The Psychosocial Impact of Humanitarian Crises A Better Understanding For Better Interventions

Governance of Water and Sanitation as applied to humanitarian and development projects

Understanding The Interaction Between Women’s Economic Empowerment And Gender Based Violence: Study On Acf’s Cash Transfer Programme In Northern Uganda

Life Of A Woman Activist In Northern Uganda

Research Uptake in a Humanitarian Context: Insights on Designing and Implementing a Research Uptake Strategy

Formative Research for Assisting Behavior Change A Practical Guide for Field Workers

Toolkit: Responding to Violence against Humanitarian Action on the Policy Level

Training manual for parasocial workers

Sustainable Outcomes for Children & Youth Shaping the Future for Uganda’s Children and Youth

National Survey on Violence Against Children 2015 Dissemination Strategy November 2017

Uganda Violence Against Children Survey Findings From a National Survey 2015

Opportunities for partnership and continued investment

Uganda Violence Against Children Survey

Addressing the intersecting burden of Mental Health and HIV and AIDS among refugees and post conflict populations

How competent are non-specialists trained to integrate mental health services in primary care? Global health perspectives from Uganda, Liberia, and Nepal

Study on the intersection between post-conflict trauma & peacebuilding in northern Uganda

Community Management of Child Friendly Spaces Kiryandongo Refugee Settlement, Uganda

HAI Colombia Remote Service Delivery Safety Planning Checklist for Service Providers

WHO Mental Health Forum 2021 Report

Living with the Times: a mental health and psychosocial support toolkit for older adults during the COVID-19 pandemic

What works in psychosocial programming in humanitarian contexts in low- and middle-income countries: a systematic review of the evidence

Protocol for a caregiver psychosocial support intervention for populations affected by displacement in Uganda

World Health Organization Disability Assessment Schedule