2010 — 2021
Organization name
HEARD MHPSS Resource Handout
- Global
- Briefs, fact sheets, and brochures,
- COVID-19, Gender-based violence, Suicide prevention, Psychosocial support, Innovation, Mental health access, Post-conflict trauma, Humanitarian settings, Community-based Mental Health, Migrants & displaced people
Feasibility, acceptability and preliminary effectiveness of a community-based group psychosocial support model for conflict survivors in Colombia: An assessment of in-person and remote intervention modalities during the COVID-19 pandemic
- Global
- Publication,
- Post-conflict trauma, Humanitarian settings, Community-based Mental Health, Migrants & displaced people
Piloting a community-based psychosocial group intervention designed to reduce distress among conflict-affected adults in Colombia: a mixed-method study of remote, hybrid, and in-person modalities during the COVID-19 pandemic
- South America
- Publication,
- Post-conflict trauma, Community-based Mental Health
Improving Retention in Mental Health and Psychosocial Support Interventions: An Analysis of Completion Rates across a Multi-Site Trial with Refugee, Migrant, and Host Communities in Latin America
- South America
- Publication,
- Humanitarian settings, Community-based Mental Health, Migrants & displaced people
Mixed-methods evaluation of a group psychosocial intervention for refugee, migrant and host community women in Ecuador and Panamá: Results from the Entre Nosotras cluster randomized feasibility trial
- South America
- Publication,
- Humanitarian settings, Community-based Mental Health, Migrants & displaced people
Ethical Principles in Global Mental Health: The Research Technical Assistance Center (RTAC) is made possible by the generous support of the American people through the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) under the terms of contract no. 7200AA18C00057. This brief was produced by Ted Miles, Tara M. Powell, and Benjamin J. Lough. The contents are the sole responsibility of RTAC and NORC at the University of Chicago, and do not necessarily reflect the views of USAID or the United States Government. September 2023 PHOTO CREDIT: AFP / ADRIANE OHANESIAN. What core ethical principles can organizations apply to ensure that global mental health policies and practices do no harm?
- Global
- Manuals, toolkits, and guidance,
- Ethics
Barriers and Facilitators to Implementing a Community-Based Psychosocial Support Intervention Conducted In-Person and Remotely: A Qualitative Study in Quibdó, Colombia
- Heartland Alliance International, Universidad de los Andes
- South America
- Publication,
- Task shifting, Psychosocial support, Innovation, Mental health access
Community-based psychosocial support interventions for populations affected by conflict and displacement: Lessons from a multinational collaborative study
- CUNY Center for Innovation in Mental Health
- Global
- Briefs, fact sheets, and brochures
- Task shifting, Psychosocial support, Mental health access, Humanitarian settings, Maternal mental health
Global mapping report on multisectoral actions to strengthen the prevention and control of noncommunicable diseases and mental health conditions: experiences from around the world. WebAnnex. Summary of country experiences
- Global
- Briefs, fact sheets, and brochures, Case studies and success stories,
- Functioning, Psychosocial support, Mental health access
Promoting the health of refugees and migrants: experiences from around the world
- Global
- Research summaries/systematic reviews, Case studies and success stories,
- Psychological first aid, Suicide prevention, Task shifting, Psychosocial support, Innovation, Mental health access, Safety, Humanitarian settings
WHO guide for integration of perinatal mental health in maternal and child health services
- World Health Organization
- Global
- Briefs, fact sheets, and brochures, Reports, Manuals, toolkits, and guidance, Information and communication materials,
- Psychosocial support, Mental health access, Maternal mental health